The New Best Bath Towel?

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“I never knew there were other towels that I could be using for a bath towel.”

- Amazon Turkish Towel Reviewer


I am sure most of you have heard or at least seen these beasts of towels out in the wilds of instagram artfully draped on towel hook. The striped and tasseled towel it’s a Turkish bath towel. But like the Amazon reviewer, we didn’t know what we were missing.

How did we get turned onto the Turkish bath towel? Well, long story short we always loved the way the looked BUT were like eh it’s probably just a pretty staging prop for a picture and not a practical towel. Then Sherry Petersik from Young House Love raves about them on Instagram and had mentioned them on their podcast - which we listen to every Monday. The Petersiks use them for beach towels and we were traveling to a beach destination and thought, well those roll up really small we could give a couple towels a try...and we fell in love.


So, like Young House Love and the many Amazon reviewers, we wanted to share our love and tell you ProTip style why we are switching to Turkish Bath towels as our main towels.


  1. They are more absorbent than a regular towel.

    • {Yep, that’s right. You know when you get out of the shower and you wipe your arm and the water comes off but you still feel wet - like you know if you put your clothes on they are going to cling to you a little bit? Well a Turkish bath towel sucks away all moisture- it’s actually kind of fun to wipe your arm off and see how dry it is.}

  2. They take up less space.

    • {If you have been a reader on the blog or IG you know the Granada house is a 1 Bath home - that means storage is coveted. And the fact that these towels take up less space wins in our book.}

  3. The get softer with each wash.

    • {Yep, that’s right, not scratchier - softer. Please note they do start off scratchy though.}

  4. They dry extremely fast!

    • {It’s humid in some parts of the US and having a towel that dries quickly, like a Turkish bath towel, is a God send. What’s grosser than taking a shower and your towel is still wet from the night or morning before?! Okay, well a lot of things are more gross, BUT why not make life a little more refreshing, eh?}

  5. Versatility.

    • {They look so fabulous - you can use it as a baby blanket, cover up, throw blanket, seriously the opportunities for use are quite amazing.}

A reference of the current situation……………………



  1. They must be air dried.

    • {Yeah, it kind of sucks, but we already hang dry clothes so it’s not a big deal for us.}


From our professional advice if you like being drier after a shower and need to save bathroom storage space, please do yourself a favor and check out Turkish bath towels. They are definitely a towel game changer.


There are a lot of Turkish bath towels...which one is the best?

After extensive research these are the ones we landed on BUT there are many others, just make sure you pay attention to towel dimensions and material content when purchasing. But, if it’s easier just save yourself some time and follow the link here to our favorite Turkish towel hues on Amazon.


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