Behind the Scenes: Photo Shoot #1


Although this isn’t my first styled shoot, it was the first in many firsts for Hello Good Design.

First things, first, this styled shoot was a lifestyle shoot, if you have never heard of a lifestyle shoot, it is where a photographer comes into your home and takes images of you in your natural habitat.

This is notable because getting photos of people living, loving, and laughing in their space:

  1. Can be more relaxing experience for the model.

  2. Provides a snip into your day to day life.

  3. *DESIGN NERD ALERT* it documents the interior design of regular people, aka history made. Whoa.

Back to the behind the scenes - coming from a background of design, weddings, and small businesses – I saw the visual draw of coordinating images everywhere. We are visual learners and good photography tells a story, which is what Hello Good Design needed, a story about living in a space you love. Because I needed to be able to style and photograph, I reached out to a friend of ours to see if they would be willing to be model for the website images. Graciously, they allowed me and my partner in crime to bring loads of stuff to their home and have a little stylized lifestyle shoot. And because there is no way to share all the photos on social media, we wanted to give you a special behind the scenes look at the lifestyle shoot for our website – we hope you enjoy!



Keys for Success

Bring more than what you need and bring someone to help wash dishes.



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