Who Designs a Designer’s Home?


We hear it all the time. . .

WHY do I need an interior designer to help me decorate my space?


As designers we take the guess work, time, and headache out of what will make your space awesome and serve it up to you in a little package. Well is this for me? Online interior design is for anyone that wants to take their living space to the next level, they know what they want or don’t know what they want.

And guess what, other interior designers use online interior designers too! Say whaaaaaaaaa –


Yep, you heard correctly, interior designers use interior designers. But wait, is that like the age-old question who delivers the postman’s mail, or who cuts a hair dresser’s hair. Well a postman could deliver their own mail, and a hair dresser could cut their own hair too, but more often then not they will have other people in their field help them too.

But why? Well, we sat down and asked this interior designer just that! Check out our interview below:

  1. What service did you use? E-Design for a Bedroom

  2. As an interior designer using an interior designer, what was the online interior design experience like? It’s wonderful. As a designer, it can be challenging to make decisions for your own space. So it’s nice to be able to collaborate and come up with a design quickly and easily. 

  3. Is online interior design affordable and doable for the average consumer? ($50k-75k per year) Absolutely. It’s totally worth the time you’ll save not to mention you’ll gain ideas that you wouldn’t think of yourself. Plus it will be finished. I always feel like my space is never quite finished, that there’s always something I want to change. With HGD you receive a complete design package so you can stop worrying about it and enjoy other things. 

  4. In your opinion, who is Hello Good Design best suited for? HGD is great for anyone! I think it’s a great service for someone who needs extra guidance, someone who wants to change their style, or someone who already has a good idea of what they want. Who doesn’t want a personal stylist for their home?

  5. How do you feel your space turned out? I love it. My space is a good representation of the design intent, but is also a little different than what I would have done, which is so nice and refreshing.

  6. Would you use a service like this again? Definitely! I also recommend it to my friends and family!


Of course, we hope this client and designer convinced you, but we want you to be the judge!

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