The Shed Plan: Part 1


The dream shed! Isn’t she a beaut?!

In general, we love the floor plan and lot size of the Granada house. It’s the perfect starter home for a couple or small family, and a perfect home for empty nester's. Our only complaint is the lack of a garage. . . 


We hail from Northern climates where almost every home has a garage because of the “white death” aka snow and ice. But alas, we are in a little warmer area now and a good portion of the homes in this neck of the woods (and city) do not have garages. Weird, right?! Well not really, because there isn’t imminent concern for snow and ice here. That being said, you do still need a place to store yard tools, gardening stuff, bikes, holiday décor, etc., so that is where a shed comes in. Not only does this property have a shed, BUT it has two sheds…but we don’t need two sheds. We are keeping one and getting rid of the other. Yay to minimizing!  


This is our plan –


Phase 1: Exterior

  • Replace Paneling and Trim

  • Replace Door

  • Paint

  • Hire Electrician to Run Power to the Shed


For the shed, we know that we want it to look good with the brick exterior of the ranch, because we find the exterior natural brick finish charming.  We developed a color scheme for the shed and the overall exterior of the home. Oh, and yes, we did walk around the outside with a fan deck! Designer for the win! Here is the concept:


And, because everyone likes a good ugly duckling story here is the shed in all of its shanty glory. She will look better – we promise, just scroll back up to the watercolor rendering.



Next up, the interior stay tuned! In the meantime, feel free to check out our other renovation adventures and where it all started at the Granada House.